Food Poisoning – Inconvenience or Emergency?
It’s THE WORST. You wake up in the middle of the night to stomach pain,…

Test Your Heart-Smarts
You most likely don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your heart, but that…

Can Love Improve Your Health?
‘Tis the season for love, and if the heart-shaped candy and heavily-frosted cupcakes in the…

Huh? What Resolutions?
Here we are to ask the question everyone dreads this time of year: How are…

The Top 5 Reasons You Should Donate Blood (and why some people shouldn’t . . . )
Whether or not you’ve ever donated blood, it’s something that should be on your to-do…

Resolution #1: Stay Safe
New Year’s Eve is upon us, and as we toast a farewell to 2024, it’s…

5 Ways You Can Keep the Happy in Your Holidays
There are many reasons why the winter holidays can leave you feeling a little less…

The Top 5 Skin Care Trends You Should Avoid
In this age of social media influence and the ability to Google or YouTube just…

Do You Need to Worry About Pre-diabetes?
For many people, the answer may be yes. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that…

Feeling Scared?
During this spooky season of just-for-fun frights, we want to discuss a pervasive fear among…

Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness
Did you know that about 1 in 4 adults in the United States experience mental…

It’s Time to Talk About Fall . . . Prevention
We’ve got fall on our minds this month, but we’re not talking about pumpkins, Halloween,…

Nutrition at Every Age
We spend a lot of our time with patients discussing nutrition and food. Not only…

Are You Overdose Aware?
Along with the impressive medical advances that the United States has seen over the last…

What You Need to Know about Senior Fitness
We often hear from our senior citizen patients about the fitness activities they used to…

What You Need to Know About Heat Exhaustion
The Heat is On – Are You Being Safe? It’s well-known that summer in Arizona…

Raising Food Allergy Awareness
If you or your loved one don’t live with a food allergy, it can be…

Observing National Minority Health Month
Do you believe that all health care is created equally? Or that patients have the…

Do You Believe These Immunization Myths?
Similar to any other topic of hot debate, if you ask someone about their thoughts…

Can You Safely Exercise in the Heat?
Are you tired of the treadmill yet? Are indoor workouts starting to feel a little…

How’s your Eye Care IQ?
Let’s take a moment to appreciate our eyes – they allow us to experience so…

Headaches? Let us Help!
The pounding. The ache. The throbbing. The piercing. No matter how you characterize your headache…

In a Pickle, and Loving It
Have you caught the pickleball craze? While relatively new in the net game landscape, pickleball…

Are You Eating The Top Superfoods?
With March being National Nutrition Month, we wanted to talk about superfoods; what they are,…

The Top 5 Ways You Can “Spring Clean” Your Health Now
Things are heating up to near-perfect weather here in the Fountain Hills community this March.…

Rare Diseases Day
In the spirit of the uniqueness of this month (happy Leap Year, everyone!), we want…

Heart-Healthy Habits for the Whole Family
Cardiovascular health is something we usually tack onto the list of “adult issues.” In doing…

Feel Like Saving a Life Today?
Have you been feeling like you want to “give back” but haven’t found the just-right…

January Blues, Anyone?
As the dust settles from the parties, crowds, and busyness of the holidays, we want…

A Call to Awareness About Impaired Driving
December may be almost over, but the season of festivities is still going strong. And…

How Healthy are Your Holidays?
The idea of “healthy holidays” may seem like an oxymoron. After all – what are…

In a Word . . . Thanks
When we decided we wanted to help the wonderful community of Fountain Hills by bringing…

Have Questions about Diabetes? You’re Not Alone
On the heels of Halloween, and just before the REAL seasonal indulgence starts, we thought…

How’s the Air Out There?
As our sunny state finally finds itself getting some seasonal reprieve from temperatures in the…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
You’ve seen the pink ribbon reminders, have watchedawareness-raising commercials on the television, and have maybe even…

It’s Women’s National Health and Fitness Day
Women, we’re talking to you this week. September 27th is National Women’s Health and Fitness…

Why Should You Utilize a Telehealth Service Providers?
Why Should You Utilize the Telehealth Service Providers at Fountain Hills Emergency Room? It will…

Healthy Today Leads to a Healthy Tomorrow
At Fountain Hills Medical Center, we spend a lot of time talking with our patients…

Misusing Medications
The issues of medication abuse and overdose are getting a lot of attention lately. And…

Overwhelmed With Back-To-School Busyness? We Can Help!
You finally got the school transportation figured out. You got ALL the items on the…

There’s Much to Explore
While going outside to play might be the very last thing you feel like doing…

The Heat is On, and it’s Time to Play it Safe
Welcome to triple-digit weather season here in Fountain Hills. This is the time of year…

Are You Alzheimer’s Aware?
We didn’t want to let June close out before calling attention to a very important…

Fountain Hills Emergency Room and Medical Center is now In-Network with HealthSmart Insurance-serving Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation
Fountain Hills, AZ—Fountain Hills Emergency Room and Medical Center has just announced it is now…

Hey, Man! This Month is All About You
You may already be attuned to providing some extra care and attention to certain men…

The Four Things YOU Can Put Into Practice to Prioritize Your Mental Health
Around here we tend to talk a lot about physical health; after all, physical maladies…

Meet Larry – Radiologist
A little about Larry... Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you decided…

Raising Vaccine Awareness
If you’re like many people still feeling the stressful aftermath from the height of the…

Happy Two Years to Us!
It’s been a whirlwind two years for us here at Fountain Hills 24/7 Emergency Room…

Can you Safely Take Expired Medications?
If you were to open your medicine cabinet right now, what would you find? Amidst…