Overwhelmed With Back-To-School Busyness? We Can Help!

You finally got the school transportation figured out. You got ALL the items on the school supply list (and gave yourself brownie points for sharpening the pencils). You managed to find a few kid-approved back-to-school clothing items that might fit for a whole two months.
Now, have you made an appointment for your child with Fountain Hills Medical Center? If a visit with your local Fountain Hills doctors isn’t at the top of your to-do list for this back-to-school season, here’s why maybe should be – this year and every year:
The list of required vaccinations
For vaccinations in Fountain Hills, FHMC will answer all your questions about what’s required, what’s optional, and what the optimal immunization schedule is for your child. We always share honest information about the pros and cons of each vaccine. And, when you’re ready, we’ll get your child caught up with all the vaccinations they need.
The sports physical requirements (that always seem to catch you off-guard)
We get it – the required physicals for school sport participation are tough. It’s usually not coordinated with your child’s annual physical, and it’s just an extra step in the long list of sport-related things to buy, and prepare, and sign up for, and attend meetings about. Fountain Hills Medical Center strives to make this process easier. Whether you make an appointment, or simply walk in, we’re ready to see your child, evaluate for sport participation ability, and sign the needed paperwork, all in the same visit.
The injuries
We hope this NEVER happens to your kid, but injuries do happen. Whether related to sports, or being new to driving, or just plain teenage carelessness, we do see a high number of teenaged patients with all kinds of injuries in our Fountain Hills emergency room, Fountain Hills urgent care center, and Fountain Hills primary care clinic.
The upcoming cold and flu season
Everyone knows that schools are ripe breeding grounds for germs. And it’s pretty much inevitable that your child is going to catch some kind of sickness throughout the course of this school year. And when you’re in the position of needing some fast and reliable help for your sick loved one, the last thing you want to do is try and hunt for a doctor, hope they’re good, and obtain last-minute care. That’s why Fountain Hills Medical Center encourages you to get acquainted with us now through an introductory visit. And then, if you or your child are ever in a position of needing more urgent care, you’ll feel comfortable and confident coming to us.
The proximity!
Gone are the days of needing to drive long distances to see your kid’s doctor. You’re too busy for that, and now there’s no need. Fountain Hills Medical Center proudly offers top-tier medical staff close to home. FHMC supports the Fountain Hills community, participates in local events, and donates locally. Having a medical center in Fountain Hills is a win for this community, and we look forward to serving you and your family.