July 10, 2024 in Fountain Hills ER, Fountain Hills Medical Center, Health Tips

How’s your Eye Care IQ?

Let’s take a moment to appreciate our eyes – they allow us to experience so much joy and fulfillment, and without them functioning well, many of us would quite literally be lost. And considering their importance in our wellbeing, how often do you think about maintaining good eye health? 

Unfortunately, like many crucial parts of our bodies, we tend to take the health of our eyes for granted until a problem arises. And since July marks Healthy Vision Month, we’re excited to share some tips so you and your family can maintain good eye health – today and for years to come. While vision impairment or other eye disorders are sometimes inevitable, there are some things you can do to enjoy eyes that are as healthy as possible regardless of their age or stage.

Curb the smoking

Do we really need to list another reason why smoking is detrimental to your health? You bet we do. Smoking doubles your risk of developing macular degeneration, and triples your risk of developing cataracts. This is because smoking can damage your retinas and reduce blood flow to your eye tissue. Smoking is also a risk factor in developing diabetic retinopathy, in which the blood vessels connected to the retina are damaged by elevated blood sugar levels.

Go beyond carrots

Were you told as a child that carrots are good for your eyes? It turns out this is more than just a parent’s ploy to increase kids’ produce intake. Our bodies do use vitamin A to help our eyes adjust to the dark. However, nutrition that supports good eye health goes beyond just one vegetable. Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits or juices, oily fish such as salmon, and seeds or nuts are all examples of foods that can help you maintain the best eye health possible.

How’s your protection?

You can’t overvalue a quality pair of sunglasses for preserving the integrity of your eyes. Protecting your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays can help save the health of your macula, which is the part of the eye responsible for your central vision (processing images directly in front of you). Aim for 99% to 100% ultraviolet ray blocking, and keep in mind that the more of your eyes that are covered by the sunglasses, the better off you are.

The sun’s not the only danger

The tension created by spending an excessive amount of time looking at computer or phone screens can cause symptoms of CVS, or computer vision syndrome. Adults, and children, who stare at screens for hours each day can experience eye strain, blurry vision, headaches, neck aches, or double vision. We recommend following the 20-20-20 method to prevent screen-induced eye strain; for every 20 minutes you look at a screen, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

It’s important for you to also know that some eye problems require more immediate medical attention. If you experience any sudden changes in your vision, see flashes of light, experience significant eye discomfort, or nausea or headache related to your vision, we recommend coming in to Fountain Hills Medical Center to get your eyes checked as soon as possible. Especially given our extreme climate, we prioritize eye health in Phoenix, and want to help you preserve the integrity of your eyes. Our top-ranked medical staff is here for all your vision concerns, eye health related questions, the vision tests you need, and we can provide guidance on the very best eye health tips in Fountain Hills.