October 31, 2023 in Fountain Hills ER, Fountain Hills Medical Center, Health Tips

How’s the Air Out There?

As our sunny state finally finds itself getting some seasonal reprieve from temperatures in the 90s and 100s, we hope you’re starting to look for ways to get outside to exercise, and play. Fall and winter in Fountain Hills holds so much potential for hiking, team sports, jogging, and more. And if it seems like we seem to always be touting the virtues of exercise for one reason or another, this month is no different. October 22-28 marks Respiratory Care Week, and exercise can play a huge role in establishing and maintaining good respiratory health.

In Arizona, it’s estimated that 13.5% of adults are diagnosed with asthma, and about 6% are diagnosed with COPD (just about matching the national COPD average of 6.2%). And, perhaps more frighteningly, Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease recently rose to the third leading cause of death in Arizona.

The health of your respiratory system goes way beyond lung and airway health; respiratory health is very important, as it directly impacts many aspects of our overall wellbeing. Some of the body’s systems that are directly affected by respiratory functioning might surprise you.

  • Metabolism

    Oxygen plays a crucial role in metabolism, which is how our body converts food into energy. Without efficient respiratory health, metabolism can be hampered, leading to fatigue and other health issues.

  • Detoxification

    We depend on our body’s ability to process out pollutants and dangerous particles from the air. And since the lungs are a key component of the body’s detoxification systems, poor respiratory health can result in fewer pollutants being filtered out.

  • Immunity

    A healthy respiratory system acts as a barrier to pathogens and helps prevent infections. When the respiratory system is compromised, the body is more susceptible to illnesses.

  • Mental health

    The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen to function properly. Poor respiratory functioning can result in cognitive impairment, mood instability, and brain fog.

  • Cardiovascular health

    Adequate oxygen supply ensures the heart can function optimally. Respiratory issues can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

  • Productivity

    At work, employees with healthy respiratory function are more likely to be energetic, alert, and able to perform at their best.

There is a myriad of ways you can care for your respiratory health. One is to visit Fountain Hills Medical Center. Here you can get regular checkups and lung function tests – this is especially important if you have a family history of lunch disease. At FHMC you can also receive your recommended vaccines, including the flu and pneumonia vaccines, that can help protect you from respiratory illnesses. Other preventative measures include staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, working to reduce stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and limiting your exposure to pollutants such as smoke, chemical fumes, and dust. Also, avoiding smoking helps protect your respiratory health in numerous ways. And lastly, of course, getting regular aerobic exercise helps improve circulation and lunch function.

Let Fountain Hills Medical Center’s team of health experts help you develop a plan to maximize your respiratory health that matches your current health, risk factors, and abilities. By incorporating these practices into your lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of respiratory illnesses and enjoy better overall health.