June 25, 2024 in Fountain Hills ER, Fountain Hills Medical Center, Health Tips

Headaches? Let us Help!

The pounding. The ache. The throbbing. The piercing. 

No matter how you characterize your headache pain, it’s never fun and you just want it to go away. And you’re not alone, considering that nearly 96% of people experience headaches at some point in their lives.

If your instinct is to reach for the pain reliever with the start of every ache, we want to offer alternative ideas. Unfortunately, using headache medication can make your headache worse, especially if you take it more than a few times per week. Overuse of headache medication can also cause rebound headaches, which are headaches that come back, causing you to take even more medication, which then makes the pain even worse. 

While it is often important to treat migraines with medication, it may not always be necessary to medicate non-migraine headaches. We want to share some tips that may help you get rid of your headaches without reaching for over-the-counter medications. Since many headaches are often related to stress, depression, fatigue, or anxiety, we’ve found that addressing these root problems naturally can frequently mitigate the resulting headaches.

  • Hydrate and eat well

    Even mild dehydration can trigger a headache, so be sure to stay ahead of your liquid needs. Drink more water than you think you need, especially in warm summer months. Certain foods or caffeinated beverages can also serve as headache culprits. And while there are some common triggers such as caffeine, sugar, or an excess of carbohydrates, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all food to avoid for headache mitigation. Pay attention to patterns you notice with how you feel after eating or drinking certain things.

  • Treat your muscles

    Muscle tightness in your back, neck, shoulders, or head can cause tension headaches. This pain can feel like a tight band wrapped around your head, and is usually equal on both sides. Stretching the affected muscles, taking a warm bath with Epsom salts, and massaging or icing the tight muscles are often effective for treating tension headaches. These can also be the result of poor posture or stress – so taking care of these factors can help too.

  • Sleep well

    Easier said than done, but sleep can play a significant role in your headache status. Lack of quality sleep is associated with tension headaches, and sleep apnea can cause morning headaches. And to make things even more complicated, getting too much sleep is also known to trigger headaches. The goal is hitting the sleep “sweet spot” of 7-9 hours per night.

  • Chill out

    Literally and figuratively! Placing a cold compress to your head or neck decreases inflammation and constricts blood vessels, both of which can help curb head pain.

    And reducing stress is good for SO many reasons, avoiding headaches included. Try deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation or prayer, or even playing with your pet to reduce your stress levels at least once per day.

At our medical center, our team has many more ideas for headache help in Fountain Hills. We would love to talk with you about these headache relief tips, medication options if needed, and more ideas for how to avoid headaches. You don’t need to suffer with head pain – let us help! Make an appointment, or simply walk in to our primary care clinic. You’ll be so happy that you took the first step in getting relief from your headache pain.