Urgent Care or Emergency Care? Here’s How to Choose
They’re not pleasant scenarios: You’ve had an accident and sustained a significant injury. Or your loved one has become seriously ill. Or you’re experiencing a medical issue and you’re not sure whethe ...
RSV On the Rise
Move over, COVID. It’s time for another virus to demand our attention. Respiratory syncytial virus, more commonly known as RSV, is making headlines across the country as infection rates rise dramatica ...
Can Living Near an ER Save Your Life?
When looking for a new neighborhood to move to, are you taking all the important factors into consideration? Sure, everyone looks for good schools, proximity to stores and parks, and great safety rati ...
Preventing Prostate Cancer
This month we’re talking to you, men. September is Prostate Cancer Awareness month, and we welcome this opportunity to spread the word, clear up misconceptions, and arm you with the knowledge you need ...
The 5 Things You Can Start Doing Now To Age Healthfully
We can try and fight it, we can work to find ways around it, and we can (and often do) spend lots of time complaining about it. It’s not grocery cost inflation or highway traffic we’re talking about t ...
Psoriasis – Why it Could Matter to You
Dry, itchy skin seems to be par for the course for people living in this sunny desert. Most of us double up lotion purchases, try to stay hydrated, and simply suffer through it. However, what happens ...
Bringing you Sarcoma Awareness
Cancer is never a fun topic, but July is Sarcoma Awareness Month, and as your Fountain Hills medical team, we feel compelled to spread the word about this far-reaching cancer. Sarcoma cancers are uni ...
Are You UV Savvy?
Sure, everyone knows that sunscreen is important, especially in our sun-drenched state. But knowledge and practice are two different things. Consider one recent study that found that only 11% of Ameri ...
The 7 Things You Need to Know About Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease
How much do you know about Alzheimer’s disease? And are you doing everything you can to prevent it? June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, and at Fountain Hills Medical Center we want to cal ...
Men’s Health Week
While we’re already thinking about the fathers/father figures in our lives this week, let’s not forget to remember a more pertinent recognition to all men than Father’s Day celebrations. This week mar ...