Food Poisoning – Inconvenience or Emergency?
It’s THE WORST. You wake up in the middle of the night to stomach pain, nausea, a fever, headache and/or diarrhea, and you realize you likely have a case of food poisoning. And these symptoms can be d ...

Test Your Heart-Smarts
You most likely don’t spend a lot of time thinking about your heart, but that fist-sized powerhouse deserves some attention, especially when it comes to knowing how to keep it in optimal shape. As Feb ...

Huh? What Resolutions?
Here we are to ask the question everyone dreads this time of year: How are your new year’s resolutions going? If you just cringed a little, you’re in good (or, rather, disheartened) company. Did you k ...

Resolution #1: Stay Safe
New Year’s Eve is upon us, and as we toast a farewell to 2024, it’s important to keep in mind the importance of staying safe by not overindulging in alcohol. New Year’s Eve carries some sobering stati ...

5 Ways You Can Keep the Happy in Your Holidays
There are many reasons why the winter holidays can leave you feeling a little less than jolly. Whether you feel overwhelmed, have lost a loved one, have financial strain that’s hampering your happines ...

The Top 5 Skin Care Trends You Should Avoid
In this age of social media influence and the ability to Google or YouTube just about anything, our society is awash in misinformation. Many viral trends are relatively harmless (soaking your feet in ...

Do You Need to Worry About Pre-diabetes?
For many people, the answer may be yes. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that impacts how your body breaks down food into energy, and is caused by the body’s inability to create or use its own i ...

Feeling Scared?
During this spooky season of just-for-fun frights, we want to discuss a pervasive fear among our Arizona communities that can have serious implications. For some people, the thought of seeing a doctor ...

Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness
Did you know that about 1 in 4 adults in the United States experience mental illness each year? Despite how common it is, there remains an unfortunate stigma surrounding mental illness and those who e ...

Nutrition at Every Age
We spend a lot of our time with patients discussing nutrition and food. Not only do people tend to have questions about whether certain foods are appropriate for their current health situation, but we ...