Nutrition at Every Age
We spend a lot of our time with patients discussing nutrition and food. Not only do people tend to have questions about whether certain foods are appropriate for their current health situation, but we ...

Do You Believe These Immunization Myths?
Similar to any other topic of hot debate, if you ask someone about their thoughts on immunizations, you’re likely hear a strong opinion. And from information being published online, and also the quest ...

Are You Overdose Aware?
Along with the impressive medical advances that the United States has seen over the last few decades, one unfortunate trend has grown and gained worldwide attention. Prescription drug abuse and overdo ...

Can You Safely Exercise in the Heat?
Are you tired of the treadmill yet? Are indoor workouts starting to feel a little stifling? After months of exercising inside because soaring temperatures have driven Arizonans away from the outdoors, ...

How’s your Eye Care IQ?
Let’s take a moment to appreciate our eyes – they allow us to experience so much joy and fulfillment, and without them functioning well, many of us would quite literally be lost. And considering their ...

Headaches? Let us Help!
The pounding. The ache. The throbbing. The piercing. No matter how you characterize your headache pain, it’s never fun and you just want it to go away. And you’re not alone, considering that nearly 9 ...

What You Need to Know about Senior Fitness
We often hear from our senior citizen patients about the fitness activities they used to do but can’t anymore. And while it can be true that certain physical activities such as running, playing high-i ...

What You Need to Know About Heat Exhaustion
The Heat is On – Are You Being Safe? It’s well-known that summer in Arizona can be challenging for a variety of reasons. Energy bills increase thanks to running the air conditioning more often, outdoo ...

Raising Food Allergy Awareness
If you or your loved one don’t live with a food allergy, it can be difficult to appreciate how challenging life can become when faced with eating at restaurants, being in close proximity to others eat ...

Observing National Minority Health Month
Do you believe that all health care is created equally? Or that patients have the right to expect fair, high-quality, and equitable health care, regardless of demographic information? This month, thro ...