July 11, 2022 in Fountain Hills ER, Fountain Hills Medical Center, Health Tips, In the news

Are You UV Savvy?

Sure, everyone knows that sunscreen is important, especially in our sun-drenched state. But knowledge and practice are two different things. Consider one recent study that found that only 11% of Americans wear sunscreen daily, and a shocking 46% never use it. And of those who wear sunscreen, women are more likely than men to use it daily, while men are more likely to reapply while outside, and also to follow through with routine skin checks. The bottom line? Nearly everyone could use a little improvement in their sunscreen habits.

If you’re one of the 46% who have shunned sunscreen from your routine, here’s a reminder of why it’s so vital:

  • Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. It’s believed that 1 in 5 adults will get diagnosed sometime in their lives. Skin cancer’s victim count is growing rapidly, as an estimated 9,500 people are diagnosed each day in this country.
  • The sun’s rays may feel great, but they’re damaging.  Therefore, using a broad-spectrum sunscreen is important. Broad-spectrum UV radiation includes both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B.  UVA rays are much more prevalent than UVB, have a longer wavelength and penetrate more deeply into the skin which causes skin wrinkles. UVB rays have a shorter wavelength and are more dangerous, as they cause burns as well as most skin cancers. 
  • Appealing to our vanity, sunscreen helps prevent premature aging. The sun can cause damage to our skin’s cells, elastin, and collagen. Premature wrinkles, skin with a leathery appearance, and discoloration can all be symptoms of having spent unprotected time in the sun.
  • Another way that the sun is bad for your skin is that when you burn, it can cause inflammation. This can be especially troublesome for people with chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis or rosacea. 

Almost as bad as not using sunscreen is using it ineffectively. Here are a few tips for using sunscreen correctly.

  1. Use sunscreen everywhere that’s exposed! It’s common to overlook ears, backs of the knees, sides of the face, feet, or the undersides of the arms. Everywhere that’s exposed needs a layer of protection.
  2. Don’t use sparingly.  When applying to your whole body, aim to use a whole ounce (picture a shot glass).
  3. Reapply after exercise, sweating, swimming, or just after you’ve been outside for an extended period of time.
  4. If one brand or type bothers you, keep looking until you find one that feels better. The sunscreen market is vast and varied when it comes to active and inactive ingredients, ways to apply (stick, spray, traditional lotion), scents, etc.
  5. When you first use a container, write the date on it. Sunscreen has a shelf life of about 2-3 years after being opened. Also be sure to check for an expiration date.

The medical staff at Fountain Hills Medical Center has additional information and tips for skin care and sun protection in Arizona. We care about you and your skin, and are available for routine skin checks in Fountain Hills.

Whether you have a spot on your skin you’re worried about, or just simply want us to make sure your skin looks healthy, we’d love to see you. Make an appointment, or simply come in, and learn more about keeping your skin healthy in the Phoenix area.



  • Practicaldermatology.com  
  • UIHC.org
  • aad.org
  • webmd.com
  • verywellhealth.com