December 10, 2024 in Fountain Hills ER, Fountain Hills Medical Center, Health Tips

5 Ways You Can Keep the Happy in Your Holidays

There are many reasons why the winter holidays can leave you feeling a little less than jolly. Whether you feel overwhelmed, have lost a loved one, have financial strain that’s hampering your happiness, or are dreading the forced family interaction, holidays can take a toll on your mental health. We want to offer five ways that you can keep your days a bit merrier in this season that doesn’t always feel like the “most wonderful time of the year.”

  1. Seek gratitude

    We’re weeks past the obligatory “what are you thankful for?” conversations around the turkey table, but now is the ideal time to really focus on your personal points of gratitude. Who and what are you thankful for, and why? By maintaining a posture of gratitude for the people and things in your life, you can help keep the materialism of the holidays and the perceived need for perfection at bay. 

  2. Feel your feelings

    Are you experiencing some holiday blues? There’s no rule that says you have to be elf-level happy for the entire holiday season. The holidays are difficult for a lot of people – you’re not alone. It can be helpful to acknowledge and accept your feelings without judgement or self-criticism and try to process the reason you’re experiencing them. Allowing yourself the space for a whole range of emotions can actually make it ultimately easier to experience authentic joy and peace.

  3. Look beyond yourself

    It’s often true we should give to someone else what we ourselves are needing. Wish you had someone to help you? Reach out to help others. Feeling lonely? Surprise a neighbor or loved one with some baked goods and conversation. Feeling sad? Find ways to bring cheer to someone else. You can also consider volunteer work. Even an hour or two a week can bring good to others and give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

  4. Manage your health

    It’s important to not neglect yourself while you’re entertaining and shopping for everyone else. Make sure you’re getting enough water, rest, and healthy foods. Allow some time every week for activities that bring you joy. Most of all, if you’re feeling unwell, don’t put off seeking medical attention. As your doctor’s office in Fountain Hills, we’re ready to meet with you, determine what’s wrong, and work towards a solution to help you feel your best.

  5. Learn to say no. Or yes.

    Holidays can be chock-full of obligations – the parties you must attend, the friends you have to get together with, the gifts you’re obligated to buy. Similarly, people can get tied to strict routines that leave little room for new experiences. We encourage you to think critically about how you spend your time during these holiday season weeks, and be intentional about what you decide to do – or not do.

*Please note: while the above tips may be appropriate for mild feelings of sadness or discontent, we encourage you to seek professional attention for feelings of depression or significant sadness.

At Fountain Hills Medical Center, we want to see you live your best and healthiest holiday season possible. Our medical staff specializes in treating injuries or illnesses, providing referrals and resources for a variety of issues, and can provide guidance and support for sensitive situations. For the very best medical professionals in Fountain Hills, during the holiday season or anytime, allow Fountain Hills Medical Center to provide care for you and your loved ones.